Reviews about Zenidol

  • Hana
    I get mushrooms on my feet almost every spring. I’ve tried a lot of drugs, I know a lot about them. I can definitely say that Zenidol struggles with this problem the best. I posted it on the manufacturer's official website. Sent by post, paid on the spot. Just a few applications - and you can forget about the problem.
  • Miroslav
    I went to the pool recently. And he ran barefoot on the pots, though he knew it was impossible because there were many people with different wounds walking. Of course, mushrooms developed in me. A friend of mine immediately told me about the wonderful cure for Zenidol. The result was amazing, with no traces of the fungus three days after application.
  • Hana
    The itching of the toes lasted for a long time. I went to a dermatologist, he said I had mycosis. He prescribed me medicine. They treated for a month, no results. I found an article about Zenidol Cream on the internet. I bought on the site, after the first application the itching disappeared. A month after use, I returned to the dermatologist, saying the fungus was gone.
  • Jaroslav
    I live in a country house, and there, you know, there are beds, lawns, I walked barefoot in the summer, and a mushroom formed on my feet. I complained to my daughter, she brought me Zenidol cream, she told me to use it as an effective and safe cure. I lubricated the affected area for 4 days and the fungus disappeared as if it didn’t exist at all. I recommend to everyone!
  • Eva
    I just didn’t understand why my toe itched. I anointed with folk remedies, marigold, propolis tincture, nothing worked. I went to the doctor, I examined, he said it was mushroom. Prescribed Zenidol ointment. The effect of use was the next day. The redness and burning are gone. I don't remember the mushroom anymore.
User rating Zenidol